Source code for gp

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

import os
import sys
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
from numpy.linalg import solve, LinAlgError
from numpy.linalg import cholesky as chol
from six import with_metaclass
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

try:  # Run as a package if installed
    from pcntoolkit.util.utils import squared_dist
except ImportError:

    path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    path = os.path.dirname(path)  # parent directory
    if path not in sys.path:
    del path

    from util.utils import squared_dist

# --------------------
# Covariance functions
# --------------------

[docs] class CovBase(with_metaclass(ABCMeta)): """ Base class for covariance functions. All covariance functions must define the following methods:: CovFunction.get_n_params() CovFunction.cov() CovFunction.xcov() CovFunction.dcov() """ def __init__(self, x=None): self.n_params = np.nan
[docs] def get_n_params(self): """ Report the number of parameters required """ assert not np.isnan(self.n_params), \ "Covariance function not initialised" return self.n_params
[docs] @abstractmethod def cov(self, theta, x, z=None): """ Return the full covariance (or cross-covariance if z is given) """
[docs] @abstractmethod def dcov(self, theta, x, i): """ Return the derivative of the covariance function with respect to the i-th hyperparameter """
[docs] class CovLin(CovBase): """ Linear covariance function (no hyperparameters) """ def __init__(self, x=None): self.n_params = 0 self.first_call = False
[docs] def cov(self, theta, x, z=None): if not self.first_call and not theta and theta is not None: self.first_call = True if len(theta) > 0 and theta[0] is not None: print("CovLin: ignoring unnecessary hyperparameter ...") if z is None: z = x K = return K
[docs] def dcov(self, theta, x, i): raise ValueError("Invalid covariance function parameter")
[docs] class CovSqExp(CovBase): """ Ordinary squared exponential covariance function. The hyperparameters are:: theta = ( log(ell), log(sf) ) where ell is a lengthscale parameter and sf2 is the signal variance """ def __init__(self, x=None): self.n_params = 2
[docs] def cov(self, theta, x, z=None): self.ell = np.exp(theta[0]) self.sf2 = np.exp(2*theta[1]) if z is None: z = x R = squared_dist(x/self.ell, z/self.ell) K = self.sf2 * np.exp(-R/2) return K
[docs] def dcov(self, theta, x, i): self.ell = np.exp(theta[0]) self.sf2 = np.exp(2*theta[1]) R = squared_dist(x/self.ell, x/self.ell) if i == 0: # return derivative of lengthscale parameter dK = self.sf2 * np.exp(-R/2) * R return dK elif i == 1: # return derivative of signal variance parameter dK = 2*self.sf2 * np.exp(-R/2) return dK else: raise ValueError("Invalid covariance function parameter")
[docs] class CovSqExpARD(CovBase): """ Squared exponential covariance function with ARD The hyperparameters are:: theta = (log(ell_1, ..., log_ell_D), log(sf)) where ell_i are lengthscale parameters and sf2 is the signal variance """ def __init__(self, x=None): if x is None: raise ValueError("N x D data matrix must be supplied as input") if len(x.shape) == 1: self.D = 1 else: self.D = x.shape[1] self.n_params = self.D + 1
[docs] def cov(self, theta, x, z=None): self.ell = np.exp(theta[0:self.D]) self.sf2 = np.exp(2*theta[self.D]) if z is None: z = x R = squared_dist(, K = self.sf2*np.exp(-R/2) return K
[docs] def dcov(self, theta, x, i): K = self.cov(theta, x) if i < self.D: # return derivative of lengthscale parameter dK = K * squared_dist(x[:, i]/self.ell[i], x[:, i]/self.ell[i]) return dK elif i == self.D: # return derivative of signal variance parameter dK = 2*K return dK else: raise ValueError("Invalid covariance function parameter")
[docs] class CovSum(CovBase): """ Sum of covariance functions. These are passed in as a cell array and intialised automatically. For example:: C = CovSum(x,(CovLin, CovSqExpARD)) C = CovSum.cov(x, ) The hyperparameters are:: theta = ( log(ell_1, ..., log_ell_D), log(sf2) ) where ell_i are lengthscale parameters and sf2 is the signal variance """ def __init__(self, x=None, covfuncnames=None): if x is None: raise ValueError("N x D data matrix must be supplied as input") if covfuncnames is None: raise ValueError("A list of covariance functions is required") self.covfuncs = [] self.n_params = 0 for cname in covfuncnames: covfunc = eval(cname + '(x)') self.n_params += covfunc.get_n_params() self.covfuncs.append(covfunc) if len(x.shape) == 1: self.N = len(x) self.D = 1 else: self.N, self.D = x.shape
[docs] def cov(self, theta, x, z=None): theta_offset = 0 for ci, covfunc in enumerate(self.covfuncs): try: n_params_c = covfunc.get_n_params() theta_c = [theta[c] for c in range(theta_offset, theta_offset + n_params_c)] theta_offset += n_params_c except Exception as e: print(e) if ci == 0: K = covfunc.cov(theta_c, x, z) else: K += covfunc.cov(theta_c, x, z) return K
[docs] def dcov(self, theta, x, i): theta_offset = 0 for covfunc in self.covfuncs: n_params_c = covfunc.get_n_params() theta_c = [theta[c] for c in range(theta_offset, theta_offset + n_params_c)] theta_offset += n_params_c if theta_c: # does the variable have any hyperparameters? if 'dK' not in locals(): dK = covfunc.dcov(theta_c, x, i) else: dK += covfunc.dcov(theta_c, x, i) return dK
# ----------------------- # Gaussian process models # -----------------------
[docs] class GPR: """Gaussian process regression Estimation and prediction of Gaussian process regression models Basic usage:: G = GPR() hyp = B.estimate(hyp0, cov, X, y) ys, ys2 = B.predict(hyp, cov, X, y, Xs) where the variables are :param hyp: vector of hyperparmaters :param cov: covariance function :param X: N x D data array :param y: 1D Array of targets (length N) :param Xs: Nte x D array of test cases :param hyp0: starting estimates for hyperparameter optimisation :returns: * ys - predictive mean * ys2 - predictive variance The hyperparameters are:: hyp = ( log(sn), (cov function params) ) # hyp is a list or array The implementation and notation follows Rasmussen and Williams (2006). As in the gpml toolbox, these parameters are estimated using conjugate gradient optimisation of the marginal likelihood. Note that there is no explicit mean function, thus the gpr routines are limited to modelling zero-mean processes. Reference: C. Rasmussen and C. Williams (2006) Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning Written by A. Marquand """ def __init__(self, hyp=None, covfunc=None, X=None, y=None, n_iter=100, tol=1e-3, verbose=False, warp=None): self.hyp = np.nan self.nlZ = np.nan self.tol = tol # not used at present self.n_iter = n_iter self.verbose = verbose # set up warped likelihood if warp is None: self.warp = None self.n_warp_param = 0 else: self.warp = warp self.n_warp_param = warp.get_n_params() self.gamma = None def _updatepost(self, hyp, covfunc): hypeq = np.asarray(hyp == self.hyp) if hypeq.all() and hasattr(self, 'alpha') and \ (hasattr(self, 'covfunc') and covfunc == self.covfunc): return False else: return True
[docs] def post(self, hyp, covfunc, X, y): """ Generic function to compute posterior distribution. """ if len(hyp.shape) > 1: # force 1d hyperparameter array hyp = hyp.flatten() if len(X.shape) == 1: X = X[:, np.newaxis] self.N, self.D = X.shape # hyperparameters sn2 = np.exp(2*hyp[0]) # noise variance if self.warp is not None: # parameters for warping the likelhood n_lik_param = self.n_warp_param+1 else: n_lik_param = 1 theta = hyp[n_lik_param:] # (generic) covariance hyperparameters if self.verbose: print("estimating posterior ... | hyp=", hyp) self.K = covfunc.cov(theta, X) self.L = chol(self.K + sn2*np.eye(self.N)) self.alpha = solve(self.L.T, solve(self.L, y)) self.hyp = hyp self.covfunc = covfunc
[docs] def loglik(self, hyp, covfunc, X, y): """ Function to compute compute log (marginal) likelihood """ # load or recompute posterior if self.verbose: print("computing likelihood ... | hyp=", hyp) # parameters for warping the likelhood function if self.warp is not None: gamma = hyp[1:(self.n_warp_param+1)] y = self.warp.f(y, gamma) y_unwarped = y if len(hyp.shape) > 1: # force 1d hyperparameter array hyp = hyp.flatten() if self._updatepost(hyp, covfunc): try:, covfunc, X, y) except (ValueError, LinAlgError): print("Warning: Estimation of posterior distribution failed") self.nlZ = 1/np.finfo(float).eps return self.nlZ self.nlZ = 0.5* + sum(np.log(np.diag(self.L))) + \ 0.5*self.N*np.log(2*np.pi) if self.warp is not None: # add in the Jacobian self.nlZ = self.nlZ - sum(np.log(self.warp.df(y_unwarped, gamma))) # make sure the output is finite to stop the minimizer getting upset if not np.isfinite(self.nlZ): self.nlZ = 1/np.finfo(float).eps if self.verbose: print("nlZ= ", self.nlZ, " | hyp=", hyp) return self.nlZ
[docs] def dloglik(self, hyp, covfunc, X, y): """ Function to compute derivatives """ if len(hyp.shape) > 1: # force 1d hyperparameter array hyp = hyp.flatten() if self.warp is not None: raise ValueError('optimization with derivatives is not yet ' + 'supported for warped liklihood') # hyperparameters sn2 = np.exp(2*hyp[0]) # noise variance theta = hyp[1:] # (generic) covariance hyperparameters # load posterior and prior covariance if self._updatepost(hyp, covfunc): try:, covfunc, X, y) except (ValueError, LinAlgError): print("Warning: Estimation of posterior distribution failed") dnlZ = np.sign(self.dnlZ) / np.finfo(float).eps return dnlZ # compute Q = alpha*alpha' - inv(K) Q = np.outer(self.alpha, self.alpha) - \ solve(self.L.T, solve(self.L, np.eye(self.N))) # initialise derivatives self.dnlZ = np.zeros(len(hyp)) # noise variance self.dnlZ[0] = -sn2*np.trace(Q) # covariance parameter(s) for par in range(0, len(theta)): # compute -0.5*trace([theta_i])) efficiently dK = covfunc.dcov(theta, X, i=par) self.dnlZ[par+1] = -0.5*np.sum(np.sum(Q*dK.T)) # make sure the gradient is finite to stop the minimizer getting upset if not all(np.isfinite(self.dnlZ)): bad = np.where(np.logical_not(np.isfinite(self.dnlZ))) for b in bad: self.dnlZ[b] = np.sign(self.dnlZ[b]) / np.finfo(float).eps if self.verbose: print("dnlZ= ", self.dnlZ, " | hyp=", hyp) return self.dnlZ
# model estimation (optimization)
[docs] def estimate(self, hyp0, covfunc, X, y, optimizer='cg'): """ Function to estimate the model """ if len(X.shape) == 1: X = X[:, np.newaxis] self.hyp0 = hyp0 if optimizer.lower() == 'cg': # conjugate gradients out = optimize.fmin_cg(self.loglik, hyp0, self.dloglik, (covfunc, X, y), disp=True, gtol=self.tol, maxiter=self.n_iter, full_output=1) elif optimizer.lower() == 'powell': # Powell's method out = optimize.fmin_powell(self.loglik, hyp0, (covfunc, X, y), full_output=1) else: raise ValueError("unknown optimizer") # Always return a 1d array. The optimizer sometimes changes dimesnions if len(out[0].shape) > 1: self.hyp = out[0].flatten() else: self.hyp = out[0] self.nlZ = out[1] self.optimizer = optimizer return self.hyp
[docs] def predict(self, hyp, X, y, Xs): """ Function to make predictions from the model """ if len(hyp.shape) > 1: # force 1d hyperparameter array hyp = hyp.flatten() # ensure X and Xs are multi-dimensional arrays if len(Xs.shape) == 1: Xs = Xs[:, np.newaxis] if len(X.shape) == 1: X = X[:, np.newaxis] # parameters for warping the likelhood function if self.warp is not None: gamma = hyp[1:(self.n_warp_param+1)] y = self.warp.f(y, gamma) # reestimate posterior (avoids numerical problems with optimizer), self.covfunc, X, y) # hyperparameters sn2 = np.exp(2*hyp[0]) # noise variance # (generic) covariance hyperparameters theta = hyp[(self.n_warp_param + 1):] Ks = self.covfunc.cov(theta, Xs, X) kss = self.covfunc.cov(theta, Xs) # predictive mean ymu = # predictive variance (for a noisy test input) v = solve(self.L, Ks.T) ys2 = kss - + sn2 return ymu, ys2