Visualization of normative modeling outputs

The Normative Modeling Framework for Computational Psychiatry. Nature Protocols.

Created by Saige Rutherford

We have also built an app for interactively viewing the evaluation metrics.

Brain space extreme deviation counts

Count the number of extreme (positive & negative) deviations at each brain region and visualize the count for each hemisphere.

! git clone
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
Z_df = pd.read_csv('data/Z_long_format.csv')
# Change this threshold to view more or less extreme deviations.
# Discuss with your partner what you think is an appropriate threshold and adjust the below variables accordingly.
Z_positive = Z_df.query('value > 2')
Z_negative = Z_df.query('value < -2')
positive_left_z = Z_positive.query('hemi == "left"')
positive_right_z = Z_positive.query('hemi == "right"')
positive_sc_z = Z_positive.query('hemi == "subcortical"')
negative_left_z = Z_negative.query('hemi == "left"')
negative_right_z = Z_negative.query('hemi == "right"')
negative_sc_z = Z_negative.query('hemi == "subcortical"')
positive_left_z2 = positive_left_z['ROI_name'].value_counts().rename_axis('ROI').reset_index(name='counts')
positive_right_z2 = positive_right_z['ROI_name'].value_counts().rename_axis('ROI').reset_index(name='counts')
positive_sc_z2 = positive_sc_z['ROI_name'].value_counts().rename_axis('ROI').reset_index(name='counts')
negative_left_z2 = negative_left_z['ROI_name'].value_counts().rename_axis('ROI').reset_index(name='counts')
negative_right_z2 = negative_right_z['ROI_name'].value_counts().rename_axis('ROI').reset_index(name='counts')
negative_sc_z2 = negative_sc_z['ROI_name'].value_counts().rename_axis('ROI').reset_index(name='counts')
count 74.000000
mean 24.432432
std 6.182346
min 13.000000
25% 20.000000
50% 23.000000
75% 28.000000
max 46.000000
count 74.000000
mean 24.027027
std 6.164354
min 11.000000
25% 20.250000
50% 23.000000
75% 27.750000
max 39.000000
count 28.000000
mean 16.714286
std 5.449140
min 8.000000
25% 12.000000
50% 16.000000
75% 21.250000
max 27.000000
count 74.000000
mean 11.108108
std 5.193694
min 2.000000
25% 7.000000
50% 10.000000
75% 14.000000
max 27.000000
count 74.000000
mean 12.824324
std 4.603031
min 1.000000
25% 10.000000
50% 13.000000
75% 14.750000
max 33.000000
count 28.000000
mean 9.142857
std 6.614878
min 1.000000
25% 4.000000
50% 7.000000
75% 12.000000
max 26.000000
! pip install nilearn
from nilearn import plotting
import nibabel as nib
from nilearn import datasets
destrieux_atlas = datasets.fetch_atlas_surf_destrieux()
fsaverage = datasets.fetch_surf_fsaverage()
Dataset created in /root/nilearn_data/destrieux_surface

Downloading data from ...
...done. (1 seconds, 0 min)
Downloading data from ...
...done. (1 seconds, 0 min)
# The parcellation is already loaded into memory
parcellation_l = destrieux_atlas['map_left']
parcellation_r = destrieux_atlas['map_right']
nl = pd.read_csv('data/nilearn_order.csv')
atlas_r = destrieux_atlas['map_right']
atlas_l = destrieux_atlas['map_left']
nl_ROI = nl['ROI'].to_list()

Extreme positive deviation viz

nl_positive_left = pd.merge(nl, positive_left_z2, on='ROI', how='left')
nl_positive_right = pd.merge(nl, positive_right_z2, on='ROI', how='left')
nl_positive_left['counts'] = nl_positive_right['counts'].fillna(0)
nl_positive_right['counts'] = nl_positive_right['counts'].fillna(0)
nl_positive_left = nl_positive_left['counts'].to_numpy()
nl_positive_right = nl_positive_right['counts'].to_numpy()
a_list = list(range(1, 76))
parcellation_positive_l = atlas_l
for i, j in enumerate(a_list):
    parcellation_positive_l = np.where(parcellation_positive_l == j, nl_positive_left[i], parcellation_positive_l)
a_list = list(range(1, 76))
parcellation_positive_r = atlas_r
for i, j in enumerate(a_list):
    parcellation_positive_r = np.where(parcellation_positive_r == j, nl_positive_right[i], parcellation_positive_r)
# you can click around in 3D space on this visualization. Scroll in/out, move the brain around, etc. Have fun with it :)
view = plotting.view_surf(fsaverage.infl_right, parcellation_positive_r, threshold=None, symmetric_cmap=False, cmap='plasma', bg_map=fsaverage.sulc_right)

view = plotting.view_surf(fsaverage.infl_left, parcellation_positive_l, threshold=None, symmetric_cmap=False, cmap='plasma', bg_map=fsaverage.sulc_left)


Extreme negative deviation viz

nl_negative_left = pd.merge(nl, negative_left_z2, on='ROI', how='left')
nl_negative_right = pd.merge(nl, negative_right_z2, on='ROI', how='left')
nl_negative_left['counts'] = nl_negative_left['counts'].fillna(0)
nl_negative_right['counts'] = nl_negative_right['counts'].fillna(0)
nl_negative_left = nl_negative_left['counts'].to_numpy()
nl_negative_right = nl_negative_right['counts'].to_numpy()
a_list = list(range(1, 76))
parcellation_negative_l = atlas_l
for i, j in enumerate(a_list):
    parcellation_negative_l = np.where(parcellation_negative_l == j, nl_negative_left[i], parcellation_negative_l)
a_list = list(range(1, 76))
parcellation_negative_r = atlas_r
for i, j in enumerate(a_list):
    parcellation_negative_r = np.where(parcellation_negative_r == j, nl_negative_right[i], parcellation_negative_r)
view = plotting.view_surf(fsaverage.infl_right, parcellation_negative_r, threshold=None, symmetric_cmap=False, cmap='plasma', bg_map=fsaverage.sulc_right)

view = plotting.view_surf(fsaverage.infl_left, parcellation_negative_l, threshold=None, symmetric_cmap=False, cmap='plasma', bg_map=fsaverage.sulc_left)


Violin plots of extreme deviations

We will count the number of “extreme” deviations that each person has (both positive and negative) and summarize the distribution of extreme deviations for healthy controls and patients with schizophrenia.

Z_df = pd.read_csv('data/fcon1000_te_Z.csv')
deviation_counts = Z_df.loc[:, Z_df.columns.str.contains('Z_predict')]
deviation_counts['positive_count'] = deviation_counts[deviation_counts >= 2].count(axis=1)
deviation_counts['negative_count'] = deviation_counts[deviation_counts <= -2].count(axis=1)
deviation_counts['participant_id'] = Z_df['sub_id']
deviation_counts['group_ID'] = Z_df['group']
deviation_counts['site_ID'] = Z_df['site']
deviation_counts['all_counts'] = deviation_counts['positive_count'] + deviation_counts['negative_count']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,6))
sns.violinplot(data=deviation_counts, y="all_counts", x="group_ID", inner='box', ax=ax);

Centile visualization

The code used to visualize the centiles of variation can be found in this notebook.